Wednesday, December 21, 2011

ABAP Field Symbols

One of the most useful of Field Symbols in ABAP is Dynamic assign statement, meaning if you don't know the name of field to assign to the field symbols during writing your program, you can use this :

ASSIGN (<f>) TO <FS>.
Normally this can be used if you are writing a program to read the name of the field from a customized table, then you can retrieve the value of the field from the field symbols.  


Suppose we have three programs. The main program:

REPORT demo_field_symbols_dynami_as_1.
TABLES sbook.
sbook-fldate = sy-datum.
PERFORM form1 IN PROGRAM demo_form1.

The other two programs are:  

REPORT demo_form1.
FORM form1.
  PERFORM form2 IN PROGRAM demo_form2.


REPORT demo_form2.
FORM form2.
  ASSIGN (name) TO <fs>.
  IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    WRITE / <fs>.

The output looks something like this: 02.06.1998

More Detail? please visit :

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

SAP FM Exchange Rate

The function is used to convert an amount to other currency.



             DATE             = posting_date
             FOREIGN_CURRENCY = doc_curr
             FOREIGN_AMOUNT   = unitprice_lc2
             LOCAL_CURRENCY   = gv_lc2
             LOCAL_AMOUNT     = unitprice_lc2.

Note: The exchange rates are maintained in T-code F-62.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Replace Characters using ABAP

REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF <Text to be replaced> IN <Original Text> WITH <Text to replace>.

if the material description consist special characters like "--", that will causing the output excel file out of alignment. 

Using above code to replace all the "--" to blank or space:

For example:

gv_text = 'Material--ABC is a Raw material'.



Material ABC is a Raw material.

Monday, October 3, 2011

FM Remove Leading Zero

The function is used to remove the leading zero for the input text.


       input  = gv_pi_result-iblnr
       output = gv_pi_result-iblnr.

input: 000012345678

output: 12345678 

Monday, September 26, 2011

SAP ABAP System Fields

SYSTEM Fields related with R/3 System


SY-HOST - Application server .

SY-OPSYS - Application server Operating system .

SY-SYSID - R/3 System ID.

SYSTEM Fields about Current Terminal Session

SY-LANGU - One-character language key with the user’s logon language such as E

SY-MANDT - Login client e.g. 600

SY-MODNO - Index of the current external session starting from 0.

SY-UNAME - Login name of the user.

SYSTEM Fields related with current Date and Time

SY-DATUM - Date on the application server in YYYYMMDD format e.g. 20060414

SY-FDAYW - Day of the week according to Factory calendar e.g  Monday = 1.

SY-TIMLO - User’s local time.

SY-UZEIT - Time on the application server.

SYSTEM Fields related with Current ABAP Program

SY-CALLD - If the program is started using CALL TRANSACTION / DIALOG, or SUBMIT … [AND RETURN] its value is 'X'. 
If the program is started using LEAVE TO TRANSACTION or using a transaction code from a screen or when a batch input session is in progress its value is ' ' .

SY-CPROG - The name of the current program and name of the calling program within a procedure.

SY-DBNAM - The name of the logical database linked to an executable program.

SY-DYNGR - Screen group to which the current screen belongs.

SY-DYNNR - Number of the current screen.

SY-LDBPG - In executable programs, the database program of the associated logical database.

SY-REPID - Name of the current ABAP program.

SY-TCODE - The transaction code of the current program.

SYSTEM FIELDS for Background Processing and batch input

SY-BATCH - X if the ABAP program is running in the background, otherwise space

SYSTEM FIELDS for Batch Input

SY-BINPT - X while a batch input session is running and when an ABAP program is called using CALL TRANSACTION USING, otherwise space.


SY-ABCDE - It is a constant and contains alphabets(AB..Z). What ever the code page its value remains same.

SY-ULINE - Contains a horizontal line with length 255 used in  creating lists.

SY-VLINE - Contains a vertical line , used in  creating lists.


SY-INDEX - WithIn a loop it  contains the number of loop passes including the current pass and is set by ABAP commands DO,WHILE.


SY-FDPOS - It contains the location of a hit in string operations. used with CO,CN, CA, NA, CS, NS, CP, and NP, offset values are assigned to SY-FDPOS depending on the search result.

Internal Tables

SY-TABIX - Current line of an internal table. It is set  only for index tables. The field is either not set or is set to 0 for hashed tables. It iset by ABAP commands APPEND,COLLECT,LOOP AT,READ TABLE,SAERCH itab FOR .

SY-TFILL - After the statements DESCRIBE TABLE, LOOP AT, and READ TABLE, SY-TFILL contains the number of lines in the relevant internal table.

Database Access

SY-DBCNT - It contains  the number of table entries processed. In an  loop it  is not set until after the ENDSELECT or ENDEXEC statement.  It is set by ABAP commands DELETE,FETCH,INSERT,MODIFY and UPDATE.

SY-SUBRC - Return code set by the last ABAP statement. if it is 0 it means the statement was a success.


A group of system fields is set in the PAI event of each screen. Exceptf SY-DATAR, SY-LOOPC, and SY-STEPL, these can be used in list processing.

SY-CUCOL - Horizontal cursor position. Counter begins at column 2.

SY-CUROW - Vertical cursor position. Counter begins at line 1.

SY-DATAR - This field contains 'X' if at least one input field on the screen was changed by the user , otherwise it is  space.It can be used to determine if user has made any changes and a popup can be called with a prompt e.g. POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_CHANGE.

SY-LOOPC - Number of lines currently displayed in a table control. Can be used to determine the step loop blocks in the screen and for scrolling functionality.

SY-PFKEY - GUI status of the current screen. This can be set in the PBO event using the SET PF-STATUS statu OF PROGRAM rep statement.

SY-SCOLS - Number of columns on the current screen.

SY-SROWS - Number of rows on the current screen.

SY-STEPL - Index of the current line in a table control. This is set in each loop pass. SY-STEPL does not have a meaningful value outside the loop (for example, during the POV event for a table line).

SY-TITLE - It contains the text that appears in the title bar of the screen. For selection screens and lists it is the program name,it can  be set using the SET TITLEBAR statement.

SY-UCOMM - It contains the function code that triggered the PAI event.ENTER triggers the PAI but this field will remain blank if no function code is attached to ENTER key.

 Selection Screens

SY-SLSET - Variant used to fill the selection screen.

SYSTEM FIELDS for Creating Lists

SY-COLNO - It contains the current column during list creation starting  at 1. The field is set by the  output statements  WRITE,ULINE,SKIP,POSITION,NEW-LINE,NEW-PAGE and BACK (sets it to 1).

SY-LINCT - It contains  length of  the page in the list.Its value is  0 if the length of page is infinite.

SY-LINNO - It contains the current line during list creation begining from 1, and includes the page header. SY-LINNO is set by the ABAP output statements which are same as SY-COLNO.

SY-LINSZ - It contains the line width in the list. The default value is the default window width. You can change the line width of the list using the LINE-SIZE addition in the REPORT or NEW-PAGE statement. The default value is 84 .

SY-PAGNO - Current page during list creation.

SY-TVAR0 ... SY-TVAR9 - You can assign values to these variables in your programs. Their contents replace the placeholders in the list and column headers of the program in the TOP-OF-PAGE event.


With call of MESSAGE statement following system fields are set.

SY-MSGID  - contains the message class

SY-MSGNO - contains the message number

SY-MSGTY - contains the message type

SY-MSGV1,…,SY-MSGV4 - These fields hold the place holders in the  message.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

ABAP Remove spaces in the text

The function CONDENSE with the addition of NO-GAPS is used to remove the space in the text.


DATA: inputText(20) VALUE ' Testing 1 2 3 ... ',
length TYPE I.

length = STRLEN( inputText ).
WRITE: 'Input :' , inputText.
WRITE: / 'Length: ', length.

* Use CONDENSE to remove the leading and trailing spaces.
CONDENSE inputText .
length = STRLEN( inputText ).
WRITE: 'Input :' , inputText.
WRITE: / 'Length: ', length.

* Use CONDENSE .. NO-GAPS to remove the spaces in between words in the text .
length = STRLEN( inputText ).
WRITE: 'Input :' , inputText.
WRITE: / 'Length: ', length.

Input: Testing 1 2 3 ...
Length: 19

Input:Testing 1 2 3 ...
Length: 17
* leading and trailing spaces has been removed.

Length: 13
*Spaces in between the words in the text has been removed.

ABAP Length Of Character

The function is used to retrieve the length of the input text.



DATA: output TYPE I,
input1(20) VALUE '12345',
input2(20) VALUE ' ABCD EFGH',

output = STRLEN( input1). 
WRITE output.

output = STRLEN( input2 ). 
WRITE / output.



Note: The spaces will be included in the character length count.

To remove the leading & tailing spaces or spaces within the text, please refer to CONDENSE ... NO-GAPS

Monday, September 5, 2011

SAPScript: Total number of pages display problem


When displaying the total number of pages in the SAPScript form, if the total pages are more then 10 pages, the total number of pages display is incorrect:

For example, the result having 16 pages with the script :


When scrolling the Page 1 to 9, the result shown:

Page : 1 of 1
Page : 2 of 1
Page : 3 of 1

When scrolling the Page 10 above, the result shown:

Page : 10 of 16
Page : 11 of 16
Page : 12 of 16


When using the  &SAPSCRIPT-FORMPAGES(C)& without specify the length, SAP will compress the total number of pages using the length of the &PAGE& variable.


1) Specify the length:

2) Not using (C) option:

Friday, September 2, 2011

Function Module to split input text

The function is used to split the input text to multiple line of data based on the number of character given.

Function Module: RKD_WORD_WRAP


      TEXTLINE       = lw_itcsy-value  "input text
*    DELIMITER    = lw_delimiter      "Default = space
      OUTPUTLEN  = 30                    "Default = 35
      OUT_LINE1      = lv_desc1
      OUT_LINE2      = lv_desc2
      OUT_LINE3      = lv_desc3
      OUT_LINES      = lt_output

If the output having more then 3 lines, you can retrieve using the table.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Function Module Replace Strange Char

Replace non-standard characters with standard characters
for example ǽ will be replaced by "." 
É will be replaced by 'E'.



     intext =                   " Input Text
*   intext_lg = 0           " i Number of Bytes in the Input Text
*   inter_cp = '0000'   " tcp00-cpcodepage  Intermediate character set with replacements
*   inter_base_cp = '0000'   " tcp00-cpcodepage  Basis Code Page for 'INTER_CP'
*   in_cp = '0000'             " tcp00-cpcodepage  Char. set of INTEXT (if not system char. set)
*   replacement = 46       " '0' or the replacement character
    outtext =                       " Output text
    outused =                    " Output text length
    outoverflow =              " 'X':Output text incomplete, ' ':otherwise
    INVALID_CODEPAGE = 1   " Unknown character set
    CODEPAGE_MISMATCH = 2  " Intermediate character set does not fit the system character set
    INTERNAL_ERROR = 3     " Internal error
    CANNOT_CONVERT = 4     " There was no replacement for a char. in INTEXT
    FIELDS_NOT_TYPE_C = 5. " Fields passed must be type C

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Text Object Listing

The text object is used to retrieve the document text data using the function module READ_TEXT.

Text Object    Meaning                       
AKKP      Processing letters of credit  
AMPL      Text for approved manuf. parts
ANKA      Asset class texts             
ANLA      Asset master texts            
APP-DOT   Templates for WORD            
APP-LETTERApplicant correspondence      
APP-MAIL  Mail applicant action         
APP-NOTES Notes on process              
APP-OFFER Bidding text                  
APP-SHPROFShort portrait of applicant   
APPROVAL  WCM: Approval                 
ARCHIVE   Text for archiving session    
ASMD      Service master text           
AUDIT     Audit Information System Texts
AUFK      Order text                    
AUKO      Allocation table header text  
AUPO      Allocation table item text    
BELEG     Document text                 
BELEG_FIAAAttachment document text      
BGMK      Model warranty header text    
BGMP      Model warranty item text      
BKK000    Notes for BCA                 
BKKHLD    Reserved Amounts BCA Notes    
BKORM     Individual correspondence FI  
BOM       Bill of material texts        
BPAR      Business partner (role dep.)  
BPAR_ALL  Business partner (general)    
BPDK      Budget text                   
BRF       Business Rule Framework       
BSV       Status management             
BUT000    Business partners             
C_SHEP_TDFEHS: Long Text f. Val. Assign.
C_SHER_TDHEHS: Temp. value files        
C_SHES_ACHEHS: IHS Safety Measures      
C_SHES_ANCComment for Standardized Crit.
C_SHES_ERHEHS: Result of Risk Assessment
C_SHES_EVAEHS: Inc./Acc. Log HR Data    
C_SHES_EVFEHS: Inj./Illn. Log HR Data   
C_SHES_FAMEHS: Medical Safety Measures  
C_SHES_ICDEHS: Long Text for Diag. Key  
C_SHES_INPEHS: Docu for Persons Involved
C_SHES_MJ EHS: Measurement Job          
C_SHES_MP EHS: Measurement Project      
C_SHES_MPLEHS: Measurement Project Plan 
C_SHES_MPWEHS: Work Area for Meas. Proj.
C_SHES_QCAEHS: Question Long Text       
C_SHES_QRMEHS: Questionnaire Description
C_SHES_QTYEHS: Long Text for Amounts    
C_SHES_SPCEHS: Medical Service Comments 
C_SHES_TPCEHS: Text Pers -> Protocol    
C_SHES_TPPEHS: Long Text for Phrases    
C_SHES_TRIEHS: Long Text for Identif.   
C_SHES_WAHEHS: Docu. for Work Area      
CACSA1    Note on Commission Recipient  
CACSOAWL  Worklist Object Assignment    
CALLCENTERCall center text              
CAPV      Stand. times calculation texts
CATALOG   WCM: Catalog                  
CATS      Time entry sheet              
CATSXT    Time Sheet for Services       
CBPR      Business process text         
CEPC      Profit center text            
CGPL_TEXT Project Plan.: SAPscript Text 
CHANGE    Change service texts          
CKBS      Base object text              
CKECPMODELText for Planning form        
CKKS      Cost estimate header text     
CKPH      Cost object text              
CLIPBOARD SAPscript editor clipboard    
CMS_AST   Text for CMS Assets           
CMS_CAG   Text for Collateral Agreements
CMS_RE    Text Object:CMS Real Estate   
CMTO      Texts for Conf. mgmt objects  
CMX_XS    Long Texts in XSteps          
COB_LETTERCOBRA letter generation       
CODPSPEC  PP-PI: PI sheet/messages      
COFUNC2   Docu. environment function    
COPOC     Long texts for POC and HA     
COTPLP    Long text for schema position 
CRHD      Work center                   
CSKA      Cost element text             
CSKS      Cost center text              
CSLA      Activity type text            
DMC       Documentation of DMC          
DNO       Messages (Basis)              
DOC_ITEM  Line item texts               
DOKU      Online Documentation          
DOWNTIME  Downtime                      
DRAD      Object link long text         
DRAT      Doc. manag. system long texts 
DSYS      Hypertext modules             
DXWB      DX Workbench                  
EBAN      Purchase requisition texts    
EBANH     Purchase requis. header texts 
EBRVERS   Batch record version          
EHS_WAEAT EHS: Note on Document (Waste) 
EHS_WASTE1Waste Generator               
EHS_WASTE2Waste Disposer                
EHS_WASTE3Waste Transporter             
EHS_WASTE5Waste Generation              
EHS_WASTE6Waste Disposal                
EHS_WASTE7Waste Transport               
EHS_WASTE8Disposal Channel              
EHS_WASTE9Waste Approval                
EHSWA_MAN Texts for Waste Disposal Docs 
EINA      Texts, pur. info, general data
EINE      Texts, pur. info,
EKKO      Purchasing doc. header texts  
EKPO      Purchasing doc. item texts    
ELBP      Item text for vendor evaluat. 
EMBK      Legal control: Licenses       
EQUI      Text for equipment            
ESLL      Texts for services            
ESLZ      Texts f. standard serv.catalog
ESSR      Texts for entry sheets        
FB01      FM document                   
FB15      Internet: Assign open items   
FEATURE   Texts for charact. mngmnt     
FHM       PRT long text                 
FMCFBUD   FM: Approval Budget Remainder 
FMDT_TEXT Derivation step               
FMHVT     Rules Used for Budgets        
FMMD      FM: Master Data               
FMPSO     Standing Request              
FMRE_TEXT Long texts in earmarked funds 
FOPC_SOA  Sarbanes Oxley Act            
FORM      SAPscript layout sets         
FORMDOCU  Form documentation            
FORMVERS  Old (German) text             
FVVD      General DARWIN loan           
FVVD_ALLG Loan agreement general corresp
FVVD_AUSZ Down payment generation       
FVVD_BSFG Decision-making               
FVVD_DV   Loan contract                 
FVVD_FNI0 Letter to prospective customer
FVVD_MASO Post manually                 
FVVD_ORDEROrder letter                  
FVVD_PROL Rollover offer                
FVVD_PRUEFCollat. val./Credit stdg check
FVVD_RTF  General DARWIN loan           
FVVD_ZINS Interest rate adjustment      
FVVI      General real estate correspond
FVVI_ALZB App. to State Central Bank    
FVVI_ANPG Garage rent adjustment        
FVVI_ANPI Index-linked rent adjustment  
FVVI_ANPZURent adjustment surcharges    
FVVI_BA   Structural alterations        
FVVI_BS   Guarantee                     
FVVI_FGEW Free rent adj. commerc. object
FVVI_FWHN Free residential rent adjstmnt
FVVI_GUTA Corresp. rent adj. expert opin
FVVI_INTROReal estate management        
FVVI_INVPPInvoice based on cash flow    
FVVI_KU_CHSwiss notice                  
FVVI_MA   Swiss rent adjustment         
FVVI_MKB  Tenant Account Sheet          
FVVI_MKONTTenant account sheet          
FVVI_MKUE Corresp. for tenant changeover
FVVI_MV   Rental agreements             
FVVI_MVA  Rental agreement corresp.     
FVVI_NK   Service charge settlement     
FVVI_NKANLService charges sttlmnt-appndx
FVVI_OWN1 Owner settlement              
FVVI_RADJ General rent adjustment       
FVVI_SLST Sales settlement              
FVVI_SOST Invoices                      
FVVI_TAB1 Table FTR,HDR,LINE            
FVVI_WBNL Netherlands apartment val.    
FVVI_WEG  Owner-occ. management         
FVVI_WIBE Cost Efficiency Analysis      
GLOS      Glossary Texts                
GLPLTEXT  Long txt for ACC-SL/GL plan.  
GRAPHICS  SAPscript grid screens        
HR_APPNOTEHR: Appraisal message         
HR_ASR_PRCHR Admin Serv. - Process Notes
HR_DPLAN  HR: Plan station notice       
HR_E_CONT HR-E: Contracts               
HR_PBC    HR: PBC long texts            
HR_RCF_CR E-Recruitment Correspondence  
HR_TEMNOTEHR: Notes in Event Management 
HRDSYS    Documentation for HR objects  
HRHAP00   Notes                         
HRMESS    HR: General messages          
HRPADFR   SAPscript Texts: France       
HRPBSFRDCRSAPscript Texts: France       
HZ01      Material-ind. dang. goods txts
HZ02      Material-dep. dang. goods txts
IFLOT     Functional location text      
IHSG      Approval text                 
IMAK      Appropriation request         
IMAV      Appropriation request variant 
IMPR      Inv. prog. position           
IMPTT     Measuring point text          
IMRG      Measurement document text     
IMTP      Inv.program                   
INET      Object link text              
INFO      Texts in info system          
INST_CAT  Texts for process instructions
INST_POC  Texts for Operator Cockpit    
IRLOT     Reference location texts      
ISMP      Solution database Symptom     
ISOL      Solution Database Solution    
ISSR      Insurance: Statutory Reporting
J1IA      IN: Incoming Excise invoice   
J1IARE1   IN: Excise Bonding ARE1       
J1IEX     IN: Incoming Excise invoice   
J1IF      IN: Subcontracting challan    
J1IG      IN: Depot receipts            
J1IH      IN: Excise JV                 
J1II      IN: Outgoing excise invoice   
J1IJ      IN: Depot invoice             
J1IM      IN: Depot invoice item        
J1IS      IN: Excise invoice others     
J1IU      IN: Forms tracking            
J1IW      IN: Excise invoice without PO 
KBLK      Test for full document        
KE_PLAN   CO-PA planning                
KE_PLPM   Parameter group (planning)    
KE_PLSC   CO Planning framework         
KE_SPRED  Distribution Key              
KFPK      Long text for fixed price doc.
KLAT      Class texts                   
KNA1      Central customer texts        
KNB1      Customer texts, accounting    
KNKA      Credit management - central   
KNKK      Credit management             
KNMT      Text for customer mat. info   
KNVK      Contact person texts, sales   
KNVV      Customer texts, sales         
KONA      Agreement texts               
KONDD     Material determination        
KONP      Condition texts               
LFA1      Central vendor texts          
LFB1      Vendor texts, company code    
LFM1      Vendor texts, purchasing      
LIKP      Delivery: Header texts        
LIPS      Delivery: Item texts          
LVACC     Leave Accrual                 
MATERIAL  Material texts, pur./storage  
MCPLANLIS LIS plan description          
MDTXT     Material note MRP             
MM07ET    Goods receipt slip            
MPLA      Text for prev. maint. plan    
MPOS      Text for maintenance item     
MVKE      Material texts, sales         
NBAU      Texts on building unit        
NBEW      Comment on patient event      
NDIA      Texts on diagnoses            
NORG      Texts org. units              
NPAT      Text on patient               
NTXT      Test NTXT texts               
NVVF      Texts, insurance, case        
NVVP      Texts, insurance, person      
OCS       Message Control (mail)        
OFFICE    SAPoffice: Document type SCR  
OXT       Object Extension              
PACKINSTR Packing instruction           
PBET      Indep.req. schedule line texts
PBPT      Indep. requirements texts     
PCPP      EC-PCA planning               
PMS       Project texts (SAPSCRIPT)     
PMSDOC    PS texts - DOC format         
PMSLWP    PS Texte - LWP Format         
PMSPPT    PS Texts - PPT Format         
PMSRTF    PS texts - RTF format         
PMSXLS    PS Texts - XLS Format         
PP61_TEXT Shift Planning                
PSA       PSA Text                      
PVS       Product Variant Structure     
QALT      Partial lot texts             
QCVK      Certificate profile texts     
QEEESTUECKSingle item texts             
QEEKLASSE Value class texts             
QEEMERKMALInspection feature texts      
QEEPROBE  Inspection texts              
QINF      Quality info record           
QKATALOG  Inspection catalog texts      
QMEL      Message                       
QMFE      PM notification item          
QMMA      PM notification activity      
QMSM      PM notification task          
QMUR      PM notification cause         
QPCP      Control Plan                  
QPMERKMAL Master inspect. feature texts 
QPMETHODE Master inspect. method texts  
QPRUEFLOS Inspection lot texts          
QPRV      Sample-drawing procedure texts
QSCENARIO Scenario for message          
QSS       Inspection feature texts      
QTLS      Partial lot texts             
QVDM_MAT01Texts f. QM/SD info records   
R3VV      Financial assets management   
RBKP      MM incoming invoice text      
RE        Real Estate  (RE-FX)          
REAR      Text for application          
RECN      Text for General Contract     
REP-WRITERReport Writer texts           
RKC_EIS   Comments in SAP-EIS           
RLMFW     Release Management            
RM_ALM_01 Text for Planning Variant ALM 
RM_RCP_PP PLM-RM: Process Param. Texts  
ROUTING   Texts for task list types     
RP_PLAN   RP-PLAN texts                 
RTP000    Notes for BCA                 
SAPPYSG00 Singapore Payroll             
SCMA      Schedule Manager: Texts       
SCMG_CASE Text Notes for Case Management
SEM_BIC   Business Info. Collection     
SEM_BPS   Planning Entry Point SEM-BPS  
SEM_SRM   SEM-SRM Contacts / Text       
SHL       SAPoffice shell texts         
SI000     Note on Collateral Provision  
SIGNATURE Digital signature             
SKA1      G/L texts in chart of accounts
SKB1      G/L acct texts in company code
SQADB     Questions for QADB            
SSFO      SAPscript Smart Forms         
STYLE     SAPscript Styles              
STYLESHEETWord document templates       
STYLEVERS Old (German) text             
SVPM      Serv. master plant data text  
T357G     Approval text                 
TASKTEXT  Texts for tasks               
TB_FHA    Treasury: Note for transaction
TEXT      SAPscript standard texts      
TNABG     Texts, bus.partner, employer  
TNDEB     Texts, bus.partner, customer  
TNGPA     Texts, gen. business partner  
TNKRH     Texts, bus.partner, hospital  
TNKTR     Texts, bus. partner, cost obj.
TNPER     Texts, bus. partner, person   
TNTPT     Tariff item texts             
TRIAL     Attempt                       
TSEG      Texts Appointment segment     
UDM_CCT   Collections: Customer Contact 
UDM_RSM   Collections: Resubmissions    
UKM_01    Texts for Credit Management   
UPB_PM    Comment on Planning Book      
VARI      Relationship maintenance texts
VBBK      Sales     Header texts        
VBBP      Sales     Item texts          
VBKA      Sales     CAS texts           
VBRK      Billing document: Header texts
VBRP      Billing document: Item texts  
VTBLLH    Credit Limit limit Trans.Texts
VTBLRH    Credit Limit Reservation Texts
VTBLV     Default Risk Limit texts      
VTBMA     Outline agreement note        
VTTK      Transport header texts        
WAP       WCM: Work Approval            
WAPI      WCM: Application              
WBHI      Trading contract item         
WBHK      Trading contract header       
WBRK      Agency document header texts  
WBRP      Agency document item texts    
WCDOC     WCM: Work clearance document  
WCDOCITM  WCM: WCD Item                 
WCOCOCOND Condition Contract Conditions 
WCOCOH    Condition Contract Header     
WCOCOI    Condition Contract Item       
WCOCOP    Condition Contract Partner    
WF_NOTE   Notes within workflows        
WLBM      Texts for layout area item    
WLMT      Text for layout area material 
WMATGRP   Texts for Article Hierarchy   
WORKST    Texts on work center          
WTY       Warranty Claim Text